As an avid runner and triathlete, CRAIG MCSAVANEY discovered long ago the frustrating paradox of aid station hydration madness: You grab a partially filled 6-ounce cup on the run and, with sloshing and splashing and pinching the cup, you're lucky to get a few ounces into your system. The Boulder-based eingineer set out to develop a solution and came up with the HydraPouch, a silicon-based plastic cup that can keep 6 ounces of water from spilling while on the run. Slim and lightweight with a waist clip, drinking spigot and a top that opens when squeezed, it is designed to be quickly filled from an aid station cup or jug and then carried until empty. The HydraPouch ($16.95; hydrapouch.com) debuted at the March 21 Canyonlands Half Marathon in Moab, Utah, to rave reviews. (McSavaney has also developed the HydraPour, a high-volume spigot for race directors to put on Gatorade-style jugs for quick filling of HydraPouches and an eco-friendly way to eliminate the need for thousands of paper cups at races.)"
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