Using our HydraPour high-speed dispensers and HydraPouch personal hydrators, this year's Liberty Run on July 4th at Washington Park in Denver will be country's first ever completely "cup free" road race! Every participant in the race will receive their very own HydraPouch before the race, and HydraPour dispensers will be used at every aid station and in the start and finish areas to dispense water and sports drink. Check out the HydraPouch website at http://www.hydrapouch.com/ to see videos of the HydraPouch and the HydraPour in action.

This year's Liberty Run will be directed by Creigh Kelley, President of BKB Limited of Engelwood, Colorado. Creigh is a nationally prominent race director and announcer and is on the Board of Directors of Running USA. He was recently inducted into the Colorado Running Hall of Fame, who said: "Creigh Kelley is Race Director of the 2009 Denver Post Colorado Colfax Marathon. Kelley has been a competitor, agent, race director, national consultant, announcer, broadcaster and leader in the national and international running community for 30 years. As a race director, he has helped manage, produce and directly assist with over 1,000 recreation special events throughout the nation over the last 29 years, including the past four with the Colorado Colfax Marathon."